

HEART SPACE ~ In Life and Business

Access a living feeling intelligence & inner wealth to match your achievements. Normalize the frequencies of joy, inner freedom and fulfillment.



Jewel is a Spiritual Alchemist, Visionary Leader, and Transformational Mentor guiding individuals to realize their deepest soul purpose and fostering a synergy with nature to inspire a collective evolution.

As a healer and intuitive business mentor she stands at the crossroads where spirit meets action, and empowers healers, leaders, and creatives to align with the signature of their soul’s calling.

An author celebrated across continents, Jewel is the mind behind the transformative Heart Language Healing Technology. Her dedication has touched lives globally, helping others find their authentic voice, enhance their spiritual capabilities, and step confidently into roles of leadership and spiritual entrepreneurship.

With over 25 years of experience, Jewel’s approach to healing and creation is both deep and enduring, sparking what many describe as Soul Magic. She works with integrity at the heart of her mission, facilitating shifts in consciousness that are both profound and practical, founded on principles of unity, connection, and self-guidance.

The ONE HEART Activation



DIVINE CONNECTION  As human you are a portal for the Divine and can channel living wisdom. Embrace the paradox of being Divine AND human here on earth. Cultivate this partnership, activate your Heart Keys to unlock and imprint the new DNA frequency, and feel GOD in your body. YOU are the living breathing Heartbeat of all that is ONE ~



SOUL CREATION  Inbodied connection with your ordained Soul purpose comes through your channeled vision, sustained frequency and inspired action. As your living breathing legacy calls you forward, you heal into your vision for humanity and the planet in service to future generations ~

Heather Kourcklas

I’ve lived my whole life leading up to this moment of working with you and going through this transition to step fully into my big legacy vision and mission. I've secured my next-level RIGHT premium clients that I love, my close relationships have healed and changed significantly, the next steps for strategic planning are in motion toward my big vision for a healing and rehabilitation sanctuary for retired thoroughbred horses, and I now feel zero stress about time anymore!

Heather Kourcklas, Senior Business Accountant, Co-founder of New Life Centre for Thoroughbreds

Jewel Logo


JEWEL is a clarion call to humanity, to embark on a transformative
journey back to the Heart's wisdom, in service of innovation & profound
collective impact. Through the unique Heart Language Healing
modality, individuals bridge spirituality with practical expertise to
align with a legacy that transcends the boundaries of
traditional leadership. Our brand is committed to facilitating a fully
embodied soul-led life and contributing to a higher level of
consciousness on a global scale. Here we honor Mother Nature's
wisdom to nurture the planet, and a future where generations
thrive. Join us in this sacred mission where each challenge is an
opportunity for new creation that moves beyond obsolete paradigms
of the past, championing creativity and internal peace as the foundation
for external change.

Mary-Anne Hildebrandt

Through my work with Jewel, I'm initiating a progressive conversation in the mining industry to eliminate resource wastage. I wonder sometimes if we hadn’t met, where I would be now. Would my message be spreading globally? Would I have been published industry-wide and called a local celebrity? Would I have the influence in my work as a respected and award-winning leader? Would top leaders have adopted a language closer to mine in service of moving this industry forward into the new paradigm? All these things were achievable. I just couldn’t see them until working with Jewel!

Mary-Anne Hildebrandt, Geoscientist, President of PGO



            PODCAST  SEASON  2 

          now available!


Tune IN to potent Heart frequency conversations with Jewel that  stir your senses & offer deep spiritual wisdom.

 We’re talking about human potentiality, heart intelligence,               activating soul purpose, leveraging unique gifts for a life of abundance  & fulfillment, and legacy creation!

 An invitation to step forward into new business leadership and  healing  paradigms, and to evolve together in service of a better  planet!


I am here for a Heart-to-Heart connection with you ~
I truly believe in the power of collaboration, conversation, and shared wisdom.

If you resonate with the vision and ethos of JEWEL and are curious about collaborating
or simply wish to share your thoughts and insights, I welcome the opportunity to connect!

Let's embark on a journey, where our energies align to co-create transformational experiences
and conscious soul-led living. Your voice is an integral part of this conversation, and I am
here, open, and eager to explore the possibilities with you!


"True Gifts"

Connect with your deeper purpose to do what you love. 

Take control of your future, monetize your creative and spiritual gifts,
and leave your legacy for future generations!



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